Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Mr. McClung-What I've Learned This Year

a picture of a sticker that says stay positive
The Post by Mr. McClung was really interesting. He says in his post that the most important thing to a strong foundation for a relationship is communication, I totally agree. He also states that lessons should be student centered and not focused on the teacher. Mr. McClung stated some great facts that us future teachers today can take to our classroom, and one that I know that I'm going to do is I'm always going to be willing to learn. In able to grow as a teacher you need to be able to learn, and who not better to learn from than your students. Teachers must be willing to learn and grow.
A great saying that Mr. Mclung mentioned was "No lesson is ever perfect. The lesson you teach and the one you plan are always different." I believe this to be true and that you can't get upset if it's not like its planed, because it may turn out for the best. also, this goes with what he decided on being at the beginning of the year, He said that he wanted to be positive! I think you should always have a positive attitude, especially in the teaching profession, cause the attitude you have will reflect the attitudes of your students. So always stay positive is a great piece of advice Mr. McClung mentioned.

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